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Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II



La mejora de coordinación y la continuidad asistencial entre niveles de atención en redes de servicios de salud en el contexto latinoamericano

Bogotá, noviembre 2, 3 y 4 de 2017


Presentations November 2

Presentations November 3

Project Videos

  • Colombia

​Video - Download


  • Uruguay

​Dissemination of results of the Equity-LA II project in the Administration of State Health Services (Uruguay)

Video -




International Conference of Chile of the Equity-LA II Project

26 and 27 June 2019, Santiago de Chile (Chile)

June 26th

June 27th

Video presentation on June 26th
Video presentation on June 27th



Teleconferences of good practice in coordination

This cycle of virtual teleconferences aims to become a space for the exchange on strategies of experiences to improve coordination between levels of care that have been implemented in heath services networks in different contexts.




Interconsultations between primary and specialized medical care through videoconferencing and e-mail
Nadia Martin, medical specialist  in hte nephrology service, hospital Dr. J.Trueta, Girona, Spain



Supervision strategy to increase counterreferrals and facilitate the supply of medicine in the 2nd care level

José Luis Viveros Dorantes, head of outpatients and hospitalization and Alba Delia Apodaca Sánchez, pharmacy manager at Hospital General de Boca del Río, Veracruz, México



Experience of Matrix Psychiatry at the Municipal Health Network of the city of Rosario, Argentina

José Belizán, deputy director of mental health and Adriana Huerta, coordinator of health research, Secretariat of Public Health, Municipality of Rosario, Argentina


Consulting experience in Mental Health Public Networks of the health care system - Chile

Rafael Sepúlveda, Head of Mental Health in the Subsecretary of  de Salud mental en la Subsecretary of Assistance Networks, Minsal, and previous Head of the Mental Health Unit in SSMS, Emmanuel Méndez, psychiatrist COSAM El Bosque and Javiera Arroyo, fellow in psychiatry and medical consultant in APS .



Network of renal health care. SSPP. Rosario, 2011-2015

Claudio Alonso, medical nefrologist and head of PAIS-R, Elba Hernández, medical nefrologist in SSP and member of PAIS-R and Dra. Ana Pendino, statistician in the Local Health Network.


Tutoring between primary and secondary care phyicians for the discussion of clinical cases

Josep M. Bellmunt, primary care doctor in the primary care medical centre of Barceloneta, PAMEM



Experience in care coordination in the framework of the Program of Care of Pregnant Women "Protecting life on maternal and perinatal health. USS Paul VI-Bosa." Integrated Subnetwork South West ESE. Colombia.

Ebert Pérez González, doctor in the Health Services Unit Pablo VI- Integrated Subnetwork South West ESE