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Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II


Start of the cycle of teleconferences on experiences with interventions to improve coordination between levels of care


Equity-LA II has launched a series of virtual teleconferences on experience to improve coordination between levels of care implemented in the networks participating in the project.

The first teleconference of the cycle took place on May 19 in charge of Dr. Nadia Martin, medical specialist in the nephrology service of the hospital Dr. Josep Trueta, Girona, Spain. She presented their experience with the implementation of Interconsultations between primary and secondary care through videoconferencing and e-mail, which was deepened in the debate and is available on this link.

The cycle of teleconferences intends to become a space for exchange between professionals from different countries participating in the project. A key place to learn and reflect on different strategies implemented in health services networks in other contexts.

It is also expected to serve as input for the design process and evaluation of interventions that will be implemented in the health service networks involved in the project.

The next conference, to be held in mid-June, will focus on monitoring strategy to increase the production of counterreferal and facilitate medicament supply in the 2nd level of care at the Hospital General de Boca del Rio, Veracruz, Mexico, in charge of Dr. José Luis Viveros Dorantes, head of outpatient and inpatient of the Hospital.
