The European Commission awards a grant for the realization of Equity-LA II project
The European Commission – within the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for research funding – provides a grant to the Equity-LA II project, which will give continuity to the Equity-LA I project, which was finalized in August 2013. The new project was selected from 1.173 research proposals (of which 10% were successful) and received the best scoring of its category.
Eight institutions of different European and Latin-American countries participate in Equity-LA II,: Consorci de Salut i Social de Catalunya (Spain), Prince Leopold Instituut Voor Tropische Geneeskunde (Belgium), Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Señora de Rosario (Colombia), Instituto de Medicina Integral Prof. Fernando Figueira y Fundação Universidade de Pernambuco (Brazil), Universidad de Chile (Chile), Universidad Veracruzana (Mexico), Universidad de Rosario, Instituto de la Salud Juan Lazarte (Argentina) y Universidad de la República (Uruguay); coordinated by the Spanish team.
The project will extend over five years, in which the following main study objective will be targeted: to evaluate the effectiveness of diverse strategies that aim to improve care coordination and quality of care in health care network in different health care systems in Latin America.