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Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II


Publication of an article from the Equity-LA II project on the use of coordination mechanisms in Brazil


The article Awareness and use of mechanism for clinical coordination between levels in two health care networks in Pernambuco State, Brasil, which presents results from the baseline of the Equity LA II project, has recently been published in the Brazilian scientific journal Cadernos de Saúde Pública. The article evaluates the knowledge and use of information coordination mechanisms and clinical management between health care levels in two public health networks in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. Primary and specialized care physicians from the municipalities of Caruaru and Recife were interviewed. The results show differences between levels of care and networks. Primary care physicians know and use the mechanisms more than specialized care physicians. In the comparison between networks, Recife presented better results, with the reference and counter-reference form (inter-consultation sheet) being the most used mechanism. The limited and sometimes inappropriate use of coordination mechanisms suggests difficulties in communication between physicians at different levels of care.
Link to read the full article: