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Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II Equity-LA II


II Edition of the course on integrated healthcare networks in Chile


For the second time, the School of Public Health at the University of Chile held the course "Integrated healthcare networks: analysis of experiences in the Latin American context", between the 15th and 19th of January 2018. It forms part of the intervention to improve the care coordination across levels of care in the public health services in Chile developed in the framework of the project.

Thirty participant with different background health professionals health services managers and academics, coming from different regions of the country attended the course. Among the speakers were Pamela Eguiguren, School of Public Health (University of Chile), M. Luisa Vázquez, Consortium for Health Care and Social Services of Catalonia (Spain) and Amparo Mogollón, University of Rosario (Colombia), alongside with other researchers from the Equity LA II team of the University of Chile, and professionals and managers from the Metropolitan North Service Network.

The content of this edition focused on the interventions implemented in Chile and Colombia using a participatory action research process. Dr Eguiguren and the health professionals from the North Network (RISSMN) of Santiago (intervention area) shared their experience in the implementation process of the interventions developed for the improvement of the care coordination between levels of care. Dr Mogollon presented the experience developed in Colombia.

All the interventions aim at improving communication between professionals across levels of care and at creating meeting spaces for joint clinical discussions, in order to foster professionals’ mutual knowledge and their collaboration in patient care. The presentations stimulated an intense debate on the relevance and the factors that influence the results of the interventions.
