The institute of public health of Veracruz organized an international course for professionals and managers of the Veracruz health services (SESVER)
Veracruz 15 - 19 May 2017
On the 19th of May finished thethe international course on integrated healthcare networks organized by Institute of Public Health in Veracruz on Health Care Integrated Networks. The course was attended by 65 participants, mainly primary care and secondary care doctors, but also other health professionals, beloging to the intervention network in Xalapa. The purpose of the course was to contribute to the the professionals’ up-date and sharing of experiences on the relevance of a work coordinated among doctors to facilitate the adequate trajectory of patients that need to be attended to in different care levels of the health services networks. The course was part of the international research project “The impact of alternative care integration strategies on health care networks’ performance in differentLatin America health systems” (Equity-LA II).
Various members of EQUITY LA II project contributed to the development of the course contents and methods . Among them two international facilitators: Dr. María Luisa Vázquez Navarrete, Direc general coordinator of the EQUITY LA II project and Dr Pamela Eguiguren Bravo, lecturer at the School of Public Health at the Universidad Salvador Allende in Chile and principal investigator of the project in the country, who shared the contents and methods developed and applied in the course conducted previously in Chile, also in Furthermore, he course counted with several members of the Public Health institute, among them, from the Veracruz University . the Mexican team of EQUITY LA II: Angelica Yvonne Cisneros Luján, principal investigator, , Edit Rodríguez Romero and Julieta Lopez Vazquez and Rocío López Lara researcher On the last day, representatives ofthe General Directorate of Health Evaluation and Development (DGPLADES) of the Federal Health Department: Claudia Anaid Guerrero Ayala, Deputy Director of Integrated Networks of Health Services and José Antonio Paulin Badillo, Deputy Director of Citizen Participation presented the new Mexican plan for integration of care.
This 20 hours course was possible thanks to the funding of the European Commission, throught the Equity LA II project, and the support provided by Department of Health of the State of Veracruz to the participants.
Dr. Gabriel Riande Juarez, the Medical Care Director who participated in the closing act underlined the importance of maintaining the alliance between University of Veracruzand SESVER to foster continuous education and research. Dr. Riande also mentioned the fundamental role of this course reinforces the efforts made to improve the utilization of the reference and counter-reference system in the institution.