Experience in care coordination in the Program of Care of Pregnant Women in Colombia (3-nov-16)
Cyce of teleconferences Nov 3rd, 2016
On Novembre 3rd the conference "Experience in care coordination in the framework of the Program of Care of Pregnant Women "Protecting life on maternal and perinatal health. USS Paul VI-Bosa." Integrated Subnetwork South West ESE. Colombia.", in charge of Dr. Ebert Pérez González, doctor in the Health Services Unit Pablo VI, will be held.
Dr. Pérez González is a specialist in quality assurance audit in health and an audit specialist with emphasis on epidemiology. He will present the experience of collaborative work between primary care doctors and gynecologists in the Unit Pablo VI.
After the presentations, a space for questions and an open discussion will take place.
This coference forms part of the Cycle of teleconferences on experiences of interventions to improve coordination between levels of care. The conference will be broadcasted via a videoconference.