Universidad de la República, Uruguay
The UDELAR is a public and autonomous entity with over 150 years of history; it is the first higher education and research institution in Uruguay and the only public university. It is a member of the Association of Montevideo Group Universities and the Union of Universities of Latin America and the Caribbean. The objective of its Sectorial Commission for Scientific Research is to promote research as a solution to public interest and social inclusion problems. Since 1990 UDELAR has participated in academic international collaboration programs financed by the European Commission such as ALFA and CHIBCHA in health.
The Faculty of Nursing belongs to the health area of UDELAR. It was founded in 1950 as a school and converted to a faculty in August of 2004. Its research lines are related to the development of health service integration and health workforce training in nursing and consider emerging problems in public health related to population ageing, primary care, community health, quality of care and health system reform.
Staff involved in the project
Principal Investigator: Fernando Bertolotto is a sociologist specialized in public health with a degree in nursing. He is Professor and Director of the Research Unit of the Faculty of Nursing UDELAR. He has broad experience in research and action-oriented research in public policy and health services in France and Uruguay.
Juniors Researchers
Lic. Nursing Luciana Piccardo
Lic. Statistic Sebastián Gadea
Estud. Lic. Sociology Camila Estiben